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Book : Digital Sovereignty!

Digital Sovereingty! At the borders of real and virtual Author Sylvie Bédard SYNOPSIS Have you noticed that artificial intelligence is the hot topic of the moment? Yet, for over a decade nowdecade, this reality has radically changed our lives, well hidden in our new realityvirtually digital reality.  After sharing her vision of “Presence” with a […]

Management|| Mind Drop experience

SYLVIE BÉDARD BAA, MBA  President and Chief of Client Experience  Sylvie has founded Mind Drop to share her extended years experience in Marketing and business development. As a marketing strategist, she is giving training and coaching to entrepreneur looking for marketing insights. She is also a key note speaker specialized in marketing and new trends. She […]

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Thank you for your purchase or interest in our services! Have you purchased a book? As soon as payment is confirmed by PayPal, your book will be shipped by regular mail via Canada Post within 48 business hours. You will receive a notice when the book is shipped. If you have purchased the book in […]

Contact Us

Everything starts here! Whatever your needs or questions, we’re here to show you what Presence or Meaningful Marketing Means! Challenge us! Our passion: guiding and helping entrepreneurs to succeed! Success Form

Mission | Meaningful Marketing

Meaningful Marketing : our motivation and passion! Mind Drop is the perfect synergy of a multidisciplinary team led by marketing in the era of the Presence. Our mission is to help entrepreneurs and managers, responsible to grow success in their enterprise. We love to support young entrepreneurs, or more experienced, with ideas with potential for […]

Vision | How we see things!

Our vision is to give wings to your business ideas or ideas to your wings! Mind Drop wants to become the best ally of the good ideas in the era of the Presence. Give life to ideas without borders is the purpose of our creation. We know this fact to be lived. We understand your […]

Mind Drop | Consultation marketing à l’ère de la Présence

Faire des affaires à l’ère de la Présence Le nouveau “P” du marketing ATTIRER LES VISITEURS QUALIFIÉS Améliorer le trafic vers votre écosystème Web Peu importe la beauté de votre site Web, s’il n’y a pas de routes ou de ponts pour qu’il soit visité, il est comme une île au milieu de l’océan. CONVERTIR LES PROSPECTS […]